Monday, June 21, 2010

fast growing

radishes, originally uploaded by *nichole*.

My dear friend Kirsten and I went out and worked in our community garden plot today. We weeded, staked veggies, and harvested radishes. I think I'm going to pickle some of them (we already ate a couple of them for lunch). I love radishes because they grow super fast and give encouragement while the long growing veggies continue to mature.

Life needs more radishes I think!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

~the full days of May

The month of May was hectic. We had family visiting for two weeks, the girls finished school at the end of May, we traveled to the West Coast, appointments here and there, music lessons, plus the daily keeping up with meals, cleaning, etc.(which at random moments I may have been just a little frazzled, just a little:)
Seems like we are just trying to find our summer rhythm and truthfully we are not there yet. We have some things coming up this summer which involve major purging of junk and lots of cleaning-but right now I'm not going to think about that too hard. Instead I'll share some photos I took today along with a small list of things I'm loving, okay?

~flowers in our garden box

~peas, so good raw

~today's lunch

~things I'm loving

*this water, totally refreshing, no calories-a win, win

*Jack Johnson's new album

*this oil for my face (it's a bit pricey, but a tiny bit goes a long, long way)

*these shoes-they are awesome, really (especially on the treadmill)

Have a Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

hey there....

we've got some catching up to do.