Sunday, December 13, 2009

Advent-day 11 and 12

Oh my-we are half way there! Less than two weeks till Christmas. I seem to always be amazed at the speed in which time moves, really I never get use to it.
Friday evening the youngest member of our family was so tired that she fell asleep right on the couch-her little snoring signifying the full day she had experienced. So last evening we continued with the calendar and for our reading we went to the book of Isaiah. In Isaiah 42:1-9 the Lord speaks of His Chosen Servant, which is His Son, Jesus. My favorite verse from this passage is~"A bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He will not quench; He will bring forth justice for truth"~verse 3 (from the New Kings James Version). After our reading the girls got little bags that included colored pencils, candy, and some stickers. They then looked at the movie Eloise. We had a restful evening, which is what we needed. I have so much still to do for the holidays, but I keep having to put myself in check because I don't want to feel overwhelmed (which easily happens)~gifts still need to be purchased, food/desserts need to be made, and some tasks simply have to be delegated. But one thing about Advent is that it helps me to focus-focus on whats really important, relationships-with my family, with others, and most important with Christ.

(p.s. remember the peppermint debacle well here's a little look~

I don't think using raw turbinado brown sugar in candy making is a good idea. But I used a chunk of this stuff to sweeten my coffee and it was pretty good, it added a shot of peppermint too (:


  1. You know the best of inventions were actually accidents. You could probably market that debacle of yours! And yes, we all need to focus. I'll admit that this season is one of my favorite times of year, but it's easy to lose focus amongst all the glitter and gleam. But we can. :-)
